September Workshop / THEME: ‘Nourishing the Root…’

Aikido Online September Workshop

The next Online Aikido Workshop of 2023 will explore the theme:

🌱 Nourishing the Root


With Michael Ormerod – 3rd Dan Aikikai

In this Aikido Online Workshop, we will delve into the profound concept of ‘nourishing the root.’

This powerful metaphor highlights the importance of nurturing the fundamental aspects of our practice, ensuring their strength, vitality, and long-term well-being. Join us to explore how focusing on the core principles can enhance your Aikido practice, both personally and within our broader dojos and communities.

A useful image here is of course: the tree…

Firstly: like a tree in a storm, we must be both grounded and flexible to navigate our way in our practice and daily life. Just as deep roots keep a tree anchored, our practice requires a solid foundation. Yet, like a tree’s swaying branches, we must remain adaptable, ever ready to face changing circumstances.

Second: picture the inner stability and calmness of a tree. These qualities mirror the clear composure we aim to nurture in our Aikido practice. Now, more than ever, this calmness equips us to respond skillfully, free from fear or panic, whether it’s in intricate weapon forms like the 31 Jo Kata or the simplest of techniques.

Third: like a forest of trees, our strength as individuals grows when we stand together as a community. Dojos are sacred spaces where we connect through body and gesture, and as we cultivate our personal roots, our collective strength flourishes.

As Morihei Ueshiba said, “Now and then, it is necessary to seclude yourself among deep mountains and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life. Breathe in and let yourself soar to the ends of the universe; breathe out and bring the cosmos back inside.”

The Aikido Online Workshop will explore these ideas and will weave in and out of the Takemusu Aikido Bukiwaza and Taijutsu systems.

Places are limited – register below to secure your place, and continue reading for more information.


All times are Central European Time (CET)

– 10.00 – 10.45: 1st Class
– 11.00 – 11.45: 2nd Class
– 12.00 – 12.45: 3rd Class
– 12.45 – 01.00: Closing Q&A + Discussion Period


All classes will be led by Michael Ormerod, 3rd Dan Aikikai.

Michael began his training in 2005 at the age of 15 in the UK. He has trained extensively throughout Europe and undertaken an intensive training period in Iwama (Japan) under the guidance of Hiroki Nemoto Sensei (7th Dan). In 2016, he began a full-time ‘live-in’ apprenticeship, living with, and training daily, with his teacher Lewis Bernaldo de Quiros (6th Dan); plus also training and teaching in the Takemusu Aikido Motril Dojo in Southern Spain and attending international seminars as assistant to his teacher. In 2019 Michael received the rank of 3rd Dan from the Aikikai in Japan, Tokyo. In early 2020, Michael created the ‘Takemusu Aikido Online Dojo’ (as a response to the Covid Pandemic). His objective was to give people the opportunity to continue their daily practice – practice that has continued, every morning, five days a week since then.


All the training will be designed especially for solo home training. Keep your weapons (Bokken + Jo, Tanto) close by and ideally, you will need a minimum of 2×2 m with a high ceiling for the exercises. A yoga mat or similar soft surface is advised, as some of the practice may involve groundwork.


The training will be recorded LIVE and available for students to review after the Workshop. This can be accessed through the YouTube Channel at:


The Online Dojo operates on a ‘By Donation’ basis, with the Workshop fee being self-determined. A suggested donation is 20 euros. However, if that seems too high or too low for you, you may choose another amount.


Donations can be made through PayPal using the following link, or contact for alternative options:


Places are limited – register below to secure your place, and continue reading for more information.


WhatsApp: +34 621 23 18 82

🙏 In Aiki
Michael Ormerod