“Aikido is the manifestation of the principle of the sword in the movement of the body”

– Shoji Nishio Sensei

Takemusu Aikido Seminar

27-29 OCTOBER 2023 with Michael Ormerod

NORFOLK, UK – Hosted by Chet Valley Aikido

The idea for this Seminar is not only to explore the various sword forms in the Takemusu Aiki-ken system, but to understand the logic, purpose, and intention behind each of the movements – and further their application (and relation to) our empty-hand system.

In order to fully access this level, the fundamental practices of the Suburi, and a grasp of the Awase partner practices are essential. Over the course of the Seminar, we will build up from the foundational basics, to taking the forms towards flexible and flowing methods – and into an exploration of Henka-waza (variations) where possible.

It is important as we enter this training not to become lost in the idea of only practising sword forms, the Aiki-ken system functions as a tool to develop a suitable body/mind for our Aikido training (not to learn practical kenjutsu applications.) Aspects of distancing, blending, centre control, and neutralising are clarified through the training of the sword. It is these aspects that form the ‘spirit’ of the sword that we wish to infuse and embody in our movements.

Saito Sensei said we need to constantly have in mind Taijutsu techniques as we practice sword, and vice versa:

β€œWhen O-Sensei explained Aikido he always said that Taijutsu (body techniques) and Ken and Jo techniques were all the same. He always started out his explanation of Aikido using the ken.”

– Morihiro Saito Sensei

Join us in Norfolk (UK) to explore these ideas across a Friday Evening, Saturday + Sunday training schedule. For more info see below and register via the Google Docs link: